Sunday, January 9, 2011

Life Begins When the Fetus Can Survive Outside the Uterus

Following conception, gastrulation, and the neurological development of a fetus comes the period of growth and expansion of the fetus. The few weeks after the brain develops and begins transmitting EEGs (electroencephalograms) there is a period of time where the grown fetus is able to survive outside of the uterus. At the time the fetus will be able to experience pain, says Ontario Consultants. This is a solid reason as to why this point of development would be considered the beginning of life and supports Web MD's claim to the baby hiccuping. If the baby can experience pain like Ontario Consultants say, it can experience hiccups like what was said by Web MD..  According to Web MD, starting at 24 weeks, you may notice jerking from the baby if it hiccups. Hiccuping is a sign of life; dead people do not hiccup however living people do. This is another sign why life may begin when the fetus is fully developed.

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