Friday, January 21, 2011

My Opinion

In my opinion, life begins at conception--the moment a sperm enters and fertilizes the egg. Through reading many articles and questioning other's opinions I have come to conclusion that according to me, life begins at conception. A major reason why I hold this belief has to do with the definition of conception, it is know as "the fusion of gametes to produce a new organism" (Wiki). An organism refers to anything that is living. Humans are organisms, animals, plants, etc. The moment the sperm fertilizes the egg, if it becomes an organism it is living and alive. Therefor this is the start of when life begins, when the egg starts living. An article by Jon E. Dougherty, Life Begins at Conception, gives a interesting opinion, "Also — and this is key — we humans are never "fully-developed." We're not born "complete"; we grow, change, mature and age constantly, which means we're always "developing," and we develop though the first nine months of our lives attached to a "host" — our mothers". This is another point that further convinced me life begins at conception.

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