Thursday, January 20, 2011

Life Begins At Birth

After the fetus is suitable to survive outside of the uterus there is a little bit of time, and then the baby is born. During birth something special enters the babies body which make it suitable to be considered alive, a soul. MeaningfulLife describes how, "A fetus, of course, is a living organism complete with functioning brain, heart, and limbs. But it is only an extension, albeit a living one, of its mother’s being.  It contains life but is not yet an independent life, sustained by its own force". It continues to state that when the "breath of air" or soul has entered the baby at birth is when the baby becomes its own person. It is like the famous saying, "If you crack an egg and eat its contents, are you eating an egg or a chicken". Adding on to MeaningfulLife's point, Baptists For Life describe the signs of life: heartbeat, brainwaves, independent movement, senses, and breathing.As soon as the baby comes out of the mother's womb it begins breathing in oxygen, real oxygen. Not spiritually breathing but physically taking in air. Baptists for Life states that when that baby take's its first breath, it is alive and human.

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